Robin & Troy at Rancho San Antonio in Mountain View, CA
HOW THEY MET: We were introduced over
email Aug 28th by Terry Davis, Wildflower
Triathlon race director, who had started a Christian group called Trinity
Triathletes. We met Sept 23rd and started doing things together. We
officially started dating Oct 19th. On Nov 4th I had an experience at
church that made something very clear to me. That night I told Robin I
loved her.
Our engagement was announced on March 3, 2002. Check out the
Save the Date page.
HOW THEY GOT ENGAGED: Robin & I had never talked about
marriage, but we had always made it clear how much in love we were and
that we knew it was in God's hands. Mar 3rd, during a training run, I
proposed under a big oak tree where, 5 mo. earlier, we had enjoyed a
picnic together. The engagement ring was held by a stuffed animal - a
monkey she gave me for my birthday. Two special friends, hidden in the
thickets, triggered the release of the monkey high in the tree. Robin
looked up to see the monkey with the ring slide down to her on a hidden
line. She said 'yes'! We continued on our run, laughing and sharing
stories of things past and new things to come..
Our wedding date was set for August 10, 2002. It took place at Union
Presbyterian Church in Los Altos, CA. The reception was held at San Jose
Country Club in San Jose, CA.
The Bride's Attendants
Astrid Leonie Wynhoven – Maid of HonoR
Friend from UC Davis
Ever since I meet you
it’s been a non-stop party: indulgences in chocolate and coffee,
dancing the night away, singing spontaneous “Leonie originals”,
playing the song “La, la, la, la” over and over again, and competing
in runs, triathlons and open water swims. Thanks for always
lifting me up with your positive attitude and for just being there no
matter what.
Kristin Funston – Matron of Honor
Friend from UC Davis
It all
started at 1419 Colgate Dr….We’ve had many adventures together as
roomies, relay buddies, and kitty lovers. You always put up with
a lot of my silly idiosyncrasies and were always willing to listen to
my stories. Thanks for encouraging me and supporting me even
when you and Leonie were “prettier than me”.
Cat Bailey
Friend from Calvary Chapel San Mateo
My running
buddy…I’ve enjoyed our long runs and talks. I always have
admired your attitude. You can always see the positive side of
things and you always keep your focus on God. Thanks for
inspiring me to seek the Lord in all things. You’ve been such an
integral part of my life…you’re awesome!
Angela Box
Friend from Calvary Chapel San Mateo
adventure-seeking friend. I’ve had a blast going on road trips,
going to late night movies, having slumber parties, and making soap.
It’s been great swapping teaching stories and being in bible studies.
Thanks for encouraging me in my walk with Jesus. You’ve been
such a great role model and a loving friend. I look forward to
many more fun times.
Teresa Clark
Friend & Roomie at the Love shack
My cool
roomie! I’ve had such a blast living with you. How awesome
it is to have a fellow Aggie runner to share the PV cottage and
trails. I’m going to miss our chats, sharing treats, watching
your garden grow, and just hanging out. It was a blessing to
have you supporting Troy and I throughout our relationship and our
crazy exploits. Thanks for being such a great friend.
Matt Heidt (dinner prayer) &
Kristin Heidt (scripture reading - Gen 2:24)
Brother and Sister-in-law
My big
Bro…thanks for sparing my life growing up(he,he). I know there
were many times I bugged you and got you in trouble but you still
loved me and accepted me for who I was. My sister-in-law,
Kristin, thanks for always dropping everything to listen to me and
offer your support. You helped me grow in life and in my
teaching career. I want to thank you both for leading me
to Christ and for mentoring me as a new Christian. I love you
both very much!
The Groom's Attendants
John Frey – Best Man, Bobby Frey – Ring Bearer
Friend from high school & his son
Tigger, thanks for
showing me so many ways to have fun! All night Risk games, dirt
biking, road trips, & sharing High School mishaps in dating. The
way you instill Christ in your family will be an example to us in our
marriage. Bobby, you supported me at Hawaii Ironman & always
treated me like an uncle & a hero. We will do a triathlon
together one of these days!
Dale Jackson
Friend from mvm & roommate
You’re the best
roommate I’ve ever had! Future wife, Tana, will appreciate that.
5 years we’ve supported each other, persevering through Ironmans &
running injuries. I’ll always cherish coming home to a clever
sign on my door congratulating me after an Ironman.
Dick Kirkpatrick
Friend & running mate at Kaiser Electronics
Running with you at lunch has been a reason I’ve worked at Kaiser 10
years! You helped me run my best & qualify for the 100th
Boston Marathon and I helped you through the century bike ride.
You’re the coolest person to run with! Except when I’m dying &
you do James Brown, “I Feel Good!” You’re a great friend. “Running
blood is thicker than creek water”
David Ridder
Friend from STARS tri team
were an answer to prayer. I asked God for a Christian triathlete
man to train with. Next thing I know, Michelle (now your wife),
introduces me to a guy from
Kansas wanting to do triathlons. I gave you training
advice, you gave me your friendship & great insight for God’s will…
and then beat me in Ironman
Beginner’s luck!
Eric Roos
Friend from high school
(Master of Surprise Every Second). You make me laugh till milk
comes out of my nose. Your imagination is awesome: Capture the
Flag in full camouflage; Van Halen gorilla air guitar; and crazy poses
in Greek ruins during our Europe trip. Waiting for your perfect
mate, Stephanie, you exemplified your trust in Jesus & I appreciate
the influence it had on me.
Erik Zenor (pastor) &
Tracy Zenor (scripture reading - col 3:12-19)
Brother-in-law & sister
Thanks for the fun nephew & adorable niece!
how is it my little sister has shown me the ropes of marriage &
kid raising? And always with that steady beautiful smile!
Eric, “Shock Factor”, you are a refreshing jolt of vigor. I like
that with you, everything is possible! I said you couldn’t swim
to a distant island. You ripped your shirt off & proved me wrong.
Thanks for your Bible knowledge, warm embrace of our family, and for
marrying me to Robin! |