DATE: June 25th, 2006 |
WHERE: Lake Almaden, San Jose |
DISTANCE: 1.25km S - 40km B - 10km R |
TIME: Robin 2:19:09 (22:00 2:37 1:08:43 1:39 44:09); Troy 2:08:47 (20:15 2:52 1:02:10 1:41 41:50) |
PLACE: Robin 8th, Troy 3rd 2003 results |
TEAMMATES: Michelle Ridder, Rocco Falcomoto, Patrick Wright, Peggy, Jeff Launderer, Dianne Perun |
We pack up. Arrive by 6:10am for 7am start. We have Anna in the jogger while we do our warm-up run. We are both doing the race today! Mom and Ray arrive and take Anna. Not enough time to warm-up on the bike. I'm using a new Zoot wetsuit I bought yesterday. I'm also wearing a pink swim cap. But the other guys in my age group are wearing Navy blue. Sure enough, I find out I have the wrong cap and they have no more to switch with. How funny, 2 races in a row where I'm the only one wearing a different cap! It doesn't bother me, but a pink cap in a sea of 136 blue caps is pretty noticeable. I better swim straight for those watching. Robin and I pray and her race starts. Mine starts 4min behind her.
Robin's Swim
I swim over to my wave and line up in front with the first buoy ahead of me. I'm risking getting pummeled, but I want to really work the swim hard. Boom! We're off! I sprint the first 50m and see a small pack take off. Those girls are really fast! I try to stay with the front runners of the second pack. I actually find a pretty good draft for a little bit. About 1/2 through the swim, I get separated from the girl I've been drafting behind. We are both weaving our way through the waves ahead of us. I try to swim the straightest line possible to avoid going out of the way. We both round the last buoy and I'm now slightly ahead. I see her coming up on me. I try pushing harder. I get out of just a little ahead and attempt my wetsuit removal. Well, not as smooth this time but no problem(= Thanks God for the great swim. (I'm in 6th place)
Troy's Swim
Robin's Bike
Troy's Bike
It's a great day. I'm working hard and trying to be efficient. I
transfer Cytomax to my JetStream (should've done that beforehand).
It's so cool that Robin's wave was 4 minutes before me, now I can look
forward to seeing her on the bike! Yet I'm surprised how far ahead she
is. I'm going back and forth with others my age. One guy says,
"Let's help each other work". I say, "Yes, let's make each other hurt",
which we do, trying to catch one another after each pass. There's
Robin! I remember Ralph's California Half Ironman where I got to run
with Robin for 6 mi! Now I get to ride with her.. for a few seconds.
At the turn-around I pass 4 guys by taking the inside line. Now it's a
tail wind. Legs are hurting but I know that will pass.. just keep
pushing. I climb Bailey as well as I can and re-pass the guys around
me. Downwind all the way home. Almost 1 hour! Going as
hard as I can. Oh, just a couple minutes over an hour. (I'm in 1st
Robin's Bike (Part 2)
Troy's Run
Robin's Run
Troy's Run (Part 2) A couple 35-39 men pass me. I'm doing about 7:30 pace and that's wonderful! I keep my focus on God above. Sometimes lifting my palms up just to honor Him. I'm so thankful to experience running the way it used to me. When I attempt running on my own, the pain of each step keeps me from lengthening my stride, from playing with the speed, from enjoying the trees and sights that float by on each side, or even from seeing a hill and climbing it just for the view from the top. Of course, running is difficult, but when you practice, it becomes fun. It's in races like this, when I pray beforehand, that I sometimes get to experience that fun again! Now it's hard to breathe. Not surprised. Side stitch coming on. Force myself to breathe long and deep. Feel a little better after a while. Harder to cheer for others when I'm going faster. Realize a great benefit of not going fast.. I can cheer more for others. But I must keep cheering. The Lord makes each race rewarding despite my speed.
Running the Almaden bike trail... along creeks and ponds.
I'm going 6:45 pace now! I see Robin and tell her "The Lord is making
it great!" I feel like I can't keep the pace. 3 more miles.
In a way I enjoy the
discomfort, like a distant friend. I can see 2 35-39 men ahead working
together. I'm starting to get closer. At the 4mi water
station I make a move, pass, and continue the surge for 400m. 6:30
pace, I
can't believe it! Couldn't run a mile yesterday.
I never
Robin's Run
This run is going by fast! It seems like most years the miles drag on. It's not as hot this year so that must be helping. Sure enough the fast girl passes me just before mile 4...she's unstoppable. I see Troy! Yeah!! He looks great and is smiling big! Thank you, God!! I tell him the Angels Camp winner, Mike Statz, is behind him. Next, I see Megumi Masuda heading back to the finish as I'm heading out to circle the pond. She's always here and always go, girl!
Afterwards, Mom, Ray, Anna, Robin, Troy, and Jeff Landauer (Christian ultra-cyclist) hang out in the shade and eat lots of food. What a great, fun day. We all had a rewarding day at the San Jose Triathlon. We thank God for a safe race for all.
God Bless. Troy, Robin, and Anna Rose Soares.... "Team Soares... Press On"
Troy and Diane Perun Get Their Award(=
Our Friends That Raced With Us