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Santa Cruz Turkey Trot

DATE:  Nov 18, 2006

WHERE:  Santa Cruz, West Cliff Drive

DISTANCE: 5k & 10k TIME:  Troy - 19:49, Robin - 40:30
PLACE:  Troy - 4th, Robin - 1st overall TEAMMATES: Mom's In Motion Team, Holly, Amy, Page Goddard

5K (Troy)

This race has been a tradition for us since 2001.  It's a wonderful little event and the kids race is really fun to watch.

We pack and leave by 6:25am.  Robin's excited and a little nervous at the same time.  We arrive and it's great to see the Mom's in Motion members again!  Sonya, Carolyn, Angie, Paula, Bernadette, Adrianne, Shelly, Lisa, Mardi, Stacy, Flora and others.


I do a 2mi warm-up and it feels pretty good.  I thank the Lord for letting me have a few good runs now.  A couple weeks ago I started using headphones while training. Worship music and other fast-paced songs.  Surprisingly, I was able to run a little bit without stopping!  I put the race-walking aside to try my first-love again.  Although, with headphones, I don't like the part about not being able to hear the surroundings well.


We cheer for the kids in the 1k race.  They're great!  They get tired, see you cheering for them, and suddenly they turn on the speed again.  Each little girl makes me think of Anna in a few more years...


My last trip to the porta-potties.. and the line is slow.  The start of the 5k is fast approaching.  Finally I race to the road and see a bunch of people running.  Are they all doing their final strides before the start?  No, the race has begun!  I run against the field to get to the line, hit my watch, and turn to take off after them.  That's a "rookie" move to miss the start like that.


It feels good to go fast.  I better pace myself.  Shouldn't even be going fast with such little training.  Might hurt myself.  So I settle down a bit and watch the beautiful scenery.  It's a gorgeous day along the cliffs and surf!  I thank God for letting me experience the running again.  I see a guy I know, Greg, and tell a quick story about a race we ran together many years ago.

A lot of high school cross-country runners are in the lead, heading back.  Very fast!  I see there are 5 girls ahead of me.  Make the turn and head back.  I cheer for all the Moms in Motion on the other side.  I pass 4 girls.  Don't think I can catch the last one.  But I'm only 15 secs back. 1km to go. I push a little harder.  10 secs back.  Getting closer.  I encourage her as I go by and finish the final 200m with a time of 19:49.  It's a great feeling to run fast again!  Thank you, Lord.


10K (Robin)

I'm excited but nervous to do the race.  A bunch of Moms In Motion girls are here today.  It's sort of reunion since we last saw each other at our team Celebration Dinner a few weeks ago (celebrating our 1/2 Marathon season).  Today, I'm trying to beat my best 10K time of 42:53 set back in 2002 at the LSI Logic 10K.  I think I've actually run faster in a tri once but that was uncertified.  I want to break 40 minutes (6:26 pace) today if possible.  I'm in a rest phase of my training and should be well tapered.  But I will be content if it doesn't happen.  It's more important that I focus on God no matter what the outcome.  I plan on smiling more in this race because it helps me think less of myself and more on the people around me.  I want to show others a good attitude and hopefully inspire them to do the same.


Troy and I pray before the race.  I ask God to help me glorify Him and to let me run my goal time if it is His will.  I head to the starting line and encourage the Moms In Motion competing with me.  They make me so proud.  They have such great attitudes and they work hard.  A 10K is no longer a daunting challenge for's half the distance they've already tackled!  They will do great I am sure.


I wave to Troy and Anna.  I have to go out fast and hopefully hold the pace.  The starter reminds us to make sure our shoe laces are tied tight.  I think to myself that I'm all set.  No need to check.  "On your mark, get set, go!"  I jump off the line and head out with a pack of boys.  It feels like I'm going out a little too hot so I pull back a bit.  A girl passes me and I surge to keep with her. 


We head down to beautiful West Cliff Drive.  There's a paved path on the cliffs between the street and ocean.  The view is just gorgeous today!  I push past the girl and work towards a few guys ahead.  I come through Mile 1 at 6:19 pace.  A little fast but not too bad.  A few minutes later, I notice that  my shoe laces are coming untied.  Oh no, another rookie mistake for Team Soares.  I should have checked.  Well maybe I can run the whole race like this.  Ok, now they are completely untied.  I pull over a fast as I can and bend down.  I cannot seem to get a good grip on the laces and I struggle for a few seconds.  There's only time for one knot and I ask God to help make it just enough.  I jump up and sprint to catch these two guys that passed me.


Mile 2 is 6:32.  A little slow but I just focus on hanging with these two guys.  Mile 3 is 6:33.  I know the turn-around is coming up.  I wonder if there is an aid station.  I need water to wash down my Gu.  Yes, I see water and the turn-around!  Now I get to see how far back the other girls are.  I get to see my Moms In Motion and some of their husbands running.  I consciously tell myself to smile.  It's a good reminder that this race is not about me but about focusing on the Lord and glorifying Him.  2nd place girl is 300m back. The girl I passed earlier is 400m back.  No looking back now.  I just need to push hard all the way back to stay ahead and to go after the time.


I see Derek, a Moms In Motion husband, pushing his son in a stroller!  He looks good.  I see the MIM girls: Angie, Paula, Bernadette, Adrianne, Shelly, Lisa, Mardi, Stacy and Flora.  I give each of them a high five and tell them good job as we pass each other.  This has kept my mind off the pain and discomfort. Mile 4 is 6:30.  Better but I need to really work these last 2 miles.  I still have the same two guys ahead.   I cannot seem to catch them but they are helping me pass some other guys on the way.  It's a hard run back because it's slightly uphill.  My mind is telling me there is no way I'll get the goal and that I should just ease up.  I think back to the Nike race and how I just met my goal because I kept hope that it would happen.  With God I know that anything is possible. I push on and catch up to another guy and we go through Mile 5 together.  6:40.  Ouch!  Don't give up!


I have no idea if the girls are catching up.  I want to look back but I fight the temptation.  This race isn't over and I don't want to act that way.  I go back and forth with the guy.  I'm so tired.  Now I don't want to be along the cliff.  I want to be heading to the finish already.  When's this over?!  Here comes the turn off...yes!  Hey, I see Troy and Anna up ahead.  Oh thank You Lord!  I'm almost home!  I keep pushing and hoping that I can break 40 and be the first girl.  Help me Lord, this hurts!  Mile 6 is 6:38.  Ouch again!  I can see the finish.  The guy with me is shouting, "1st woman".  That's nice of him.  I still have to get to the finish, though.  I dig down and push.  Moms In Motion are cheering on the cool!  I see the clock is over 40 min.  It doesn't matter, finish strong.  I cross the line at 40:34. First woman.  It's not the time I wanted but I am content.  I gave it my best. I worked hard.  It was a gift to be the first woman, to have my team cheering me home and to get a PR.  I couldn't ask for more!


I won a Turkey for being first.  I guess Troy brings home the bacon and I bring home the turkey(=  Oh, wait!  Troy brings one home from work each December so I guess we both bring home the turkey. (=