wake up with my body feeling ready to go. Little Anna Rose was our alarm
clock and got us up at exactly 6am. As Troy gets breakfast ready, I give
Anna her breakfast. I feel relaxed and excited to see what my body can do
today. It's 9 weeks after breaking my toe. I've been running only 1 1/2
weeks now so I know the run will be hard. My goal is to run consistent
sub-9min pace but I am open to that going out the window. I've asked the
Lord to take away my fear. This is my first triathlon in over a year and
I feel a little timid about the bike: a possible crowded course and steep
downhills. I feel His comfort and support(= Nicely, The only
disappointment of the morning, is that the outlets in our new van
cannot handle the power of my coffee maker...no coffee for me! I am so
glad I have my new running shoes. Jami Andrews went to my house to get
them and had Tana and Dale Jackson bring them to the race. It seems like
I always forget something. Thanks Jami, Tana & Dale!
As I bike down Lynch Hill towards the
transition area, I really start to miss my original Wildflower buddies,
Leonie and Kristin. I realize that I have to wear our trademark Sponge
Bob Hat alone...I wear it more in honor of them. I pass by the transition
area and bike up to the bathroom in the lower campgrounds as a warm up.
As I head back to the transition, I hear the announcers really getting
into it! I get my spot ready. Wow, it's crowded in here. The bikes are
practically stacked on one another! All of my neighbors are nice and make
room for me(= I run into Tana and Dale. Their smiles are such a comfort
and make me feel at home. Tana has been swimming so strong in the pool.
I'm excited to see what she'll do today! With a great bike and run to
match, she'll be unreachable! I now hear Terri Davis saying a prayer.
What a blessing to have race directors with a strong faith and focus! I
recall the Wildflower Prayer Service from Thursday night. Terri mentioned
that he wanted to be bold in his faith...his prayer definitely reflects
that boldness!
find Troy and Anna. This is my last chance to feed Anna before the race.
I continue to warm up a bit and
then put on my wetsuit. I say goodbye and head down to the lake. I run
into Tana and we hug and wish each other the best(= We see her parents up
above us and they take our picture. I then spot Troy and Anna Rose on his
shoulders. Troy sees me but Anna
notice me in the crowd. I call up to Anna and she sees me and waves all
of her limbs at me. My heart melts and I start to cry. My friend Tina
witnesses this moment and tells me
its very touching for her too. As the wave before me races off, I jump in
and warm up. The water feels awesome! The lake is the highest it's been
since the race started 24 years
ago. I'm excited to go!
say a prayer and get into position. The horn goes off and I jump in.
Woo-who, this is fun! I feel
strong and latch on to two girls. They pull me through some waves before
us. I see the finish line and push
to the end. One of the girls I’ve been following is pulling away so I
harder and close the gap. I approach the finish and swim as far as I can
go. I get out, pull off my wetsuit and race up the now-not-so-long ramp.
As I head for my bike, I hear ex-pro Chad Hawker cheer me
on. He's doing pro-relations and is there to assist the pros in their
needs...cool! I grab my bike and run
out of the transition!
first 1 1/2 miles of road is very rough and I take it cautiously. I keep
my eye on my heart rate monitor as
we go up beach hill. I just started using it recently and hope that this
race will help me fine tune it a bit. Troy has given me three key areas
to push and heart rates to maintain: 1) the long downhill at mile 11
(140bpm) 2) the flat 7 mile stretch starting at mile 29 (150bpm), and 3)
the slight uphill at mile 48 to 50 (160 bpm). I make some gains in the
first two sections and I'm feeling good.
At around mile 39, Tana catches up to me
(started 5 minutes behind). She passes by with a smile and words of
encouragement. It’s so good to see her even if it’s for only a few
moments. It seems like there are fewer familiar faces this year out on
the course so she lifts my spirits. Her swim was a major PR…at least 4
minutes!!! She’s on fire and there is no stopping her!
make it up the 3 mile climb without much of a hitch. It is warm out here
and I’m drinking a lot. On the long descent, at 40mph, I feel a sting! I
lift my bike shorts and see a welt forming. That was a high speed
collision! Ouch!! I keep looking at it because it feels like multiple
I’m on the 3rd key
section and feeling strong but I am unable to pass the few girls in my age
group that I have been going back and forth with… these girls are tough!
As I come into the park, I see
Troy and Anna…yeah! I get to
the transition area
head out on the run. I decide to start my watch after the first few miles
so I can get comfortable first. It's set to beep every 8 minutes and 50
seconds. This seemed attainable before the race but I now see that this
is unrealistic…my run fitness is just not there. Rochelle Zolna passes me
and gives me a pat on the back. She looks great!
see Troy and Anna in the middle of nowhere on the steepest part of the
climb (mile 5). I shout out with all of my energy “hi baby girl” and
squeeze Anna’s foot as I go by. They have been encouraging so many while
waiting for me. Troy says “Tana passed by 11 minutes ago”. Wow!
I see Troy and Anna just before mile 8.
This is hurting! I walked shortly earlier and feel a little discouraged.
I see a few more girls in my age group go by. I try to just
running and stay positive. I remind myself that God made it possible for
me to do this run. A few weeks ago the run was in question. I feel
better and the miles go by. I get to the last mile…free speed! I run
down the finish shoot shouting “Thank You Jesus!” I am looking at my
watch and hope to break 5:45. I cross the line at
Note: Tana did do awesome!
She won her age group (35 to 39) and was the fifth fastest amateur of the
day. You go girl!