Zoo Zoom 10K |
DATE: April 22, 2007 |
WHERE: Sacramento, CA |
PLACE & TIME: Robin 2nd Place; 39:49* Previous PR: 42:53, '02 |
TEAMMATES: Stephanie Chandler, Vance Chandler & Shannon Conroy |
It's another early morning and we're driving to Sacramento for the Fleet Feet Zoo Zoom. It's been raining all night and there is a light rain falling on the car on our drive. We say a prayer. I ask that the rain subsides for the racers.
We drive over to our good friend Leonie's house. The race is in the park just down the street from her. It benefits the Sacramento Zoo. This will be great for Anna - lots of kids there and she'll get to tour the zoo...free admission today(=
It's good to see Leonie again! It's been a couple of months. As Troy and Anna stay behind for a while longer, I run over to the race start to register.
My goal is to break the infamous 40 minute barrier (6:26 pace). The physical odds are against me but God is for me so anything is possible. Yesterday I did a long bike ride and I'm not sure how my legs will feel today. On the way over Troy encouraged me to not work hard to run fast but to focus on the Lord which makes running fast easier...to focus on smiling and giving it all to Him.
The sun is actually shining brightly now as we line up for the race start! Thanks God for that answer to prayer! Ready, set, go! This is a two loop course so that means I'll get to see a lot of Leonie, Troy and Anna(= It's a quick start as we all try to figure out our positions. Three girls shoot ahead of me and I keep my eye on them. Mile 1 is 6:19. Oh boy! I little too fast. I slow down the pace. We run by a band. It's cool having my stride match the beat of the song. It makes me smile and remember to focus on God.
I'm catching up to one of the girls. My legs feel great! This pace is tough but my body feels like it can keep it up! Wow, thanks God so much for this! As we approach Mile 2, I see my cheering squad. Their words are encouraging and motivating to keep the pace. I wave to them and then shout out to Anna and she smiles at me. 6:26, ok better!
I pass the girl I've been chasing and tell her good job. I look ahead to the next girl who's way out there. I'm going to work towards her and see what happens.. Mile 3 is 6:27. Ok, still good. Please Lord, if it's Your will please let me be able to keep this pace for the second half! My cheering squad is again there to greet me. How awesome!
We head out to Mile 4. The girl ahead of me is getting closer little by little. It's good motivation to keep up the pace. I raced against this same girl at the Shamrock'n Half Marathon. I remember her blowing by me and never seeing her again. Mile 4 is 6:24. On pace and still feeling great! Woo-whoo! I cannot believe how well this is going! God is good! I pass by the band again and enjoy the 80's tune. I wish I can stop and dance but gotta go!
Here comes my cheering squad! Troy and Leonie tell me that I look great and that I'm in 3rd place. Leonie's friend Vance is also cheering and pointing towards the girl ahead. I'm really close to her now and hope to pass her in the next mile. Mile 5 is 6:29. Oh, gotta push! I still feel amazingly great! Lord, please help me to keep this pace a little longer.
I catch up to the girl and tell her good job. I encourage her to work together with me to the finish. She puts on a surge but seems to be tired. I look at my watch and see that I only have a few minutes to 40 minutes. I push harder and surge ahead. I hit Mile 6 at 6:21. Okay! I hear Leonie and Troy at the finish line telling me to go for it. I dig deep and race to the finish. Thank you Lord! It's going to happen! I raise my arms to the sky and smile. As I cross the line, the time is 39:49. Woo-who!! It happened, thanks God!!! And, thanks to Troy, Leonie, Anna and Vance for their encouragement! What a day!
An even better part of the morning was winning a little stuffed penguin for the race. Of course that became Anna's little buddy and she carried him everywhere at the zoo(= What a fun day hanging with my buddies!
Race Results