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Wildflower Olympic Course

DATE:  May 6, 2007

WHERE:  Lake San Antonio, CA

DISTANCE:  1.5 k-swim, 40 k-bike, 10 k-run

PLACE & TIME:  Troy  - 4th;

2:20:27 (24:43-1:16-1:13:24-1:10-39:54)

Previous Wildflower PRs or Personal Records:

      Troy - 2:17:54, 01

TEAMMATES:   Carl Abrams-FCA, Laurie Abrams-FCA, Paul Moore-FCA


Wake up and open the tent to a beautiful morning. Supposed to be warm today. Anna and I have oatmeal, my typical pre-race meal. Vitamins, grape seed extract and a cappuccino Powerbar...there's my secret, plus a lot of water and the resulting 3 bathroom trips before the race start. I bike a little extra on a peaceful road on the way to the start. I want to be really warmed up in each event. I haven't trained enough but I have gotten a lot of rest these last few days camping.. it's been great. I rack my bike at 7:15am, then join the church service at the stage - wow! So cool, the Campus Crusade band is playing & sun's shining through the trees. Anna & Robin arrive. Anna dances to the worship music. Terry (the race director) speaks. Later, Terry introduces us to Jim & Dianne Felt, the makers of Robin's race bike, and neighbors in Auburn!

I warm-up with a 1mi run and a few fast strides - went pretty good. See Kiet Tran wearing a "Jill Mason" support shirt! She is making a tough come-back from being paralyzed by a drunk driver ( and

Meet with Lori & Carl Abrams for a group prayer before the start. I'm working on faster transition times today. I warm up 3 times before the swim, in between each wave start. I stand next to Scott Machado and Gary Chan fellow Cal Poly alumni triathletes. I line up 2-3 rows
back in the middle (usually I'm on the left side). I pray.

Start not that good. Neck feels constricted in wetsuit. But feels better by the 1/2 way point. Now I get a good draft behind a big swimmer all the way back. The water is great! I push hard the rest of the way in. I work the wetsuit removal well but again I struggle to get it off.


I sprint to the bike and get out of transition quickly! There's Robin and Anna. Up the big hill. A guy with a red stripe goes flying by up the hill - I tell myself, "I'm going to catch him somehow.. by the end". Breathing really hard. Focusing on bouncing on the pedals.. with purpose. At 4mi I can't see the "red stripe" guy anymore. I shift up to the big chain ring for the descent.. and my cable breaks! I look down and think, "I don't need the big chain ring" and I motor on!


Working the uphills more than the down hills now. Different than usual strategy. Passing a lot of people. Only the "red stripe" guy has passed me so far. Tail wind back from the turn-around. See Carl Abrams. He started 2 waves back. I find out later he unfortunately flatted after I saw him.

I did well on the bike. Drank big bottle of Heed quickly & re-filled w/Gatorade. Drank that, too by 20mi. Then drank bottle of water. Should've drank more. Pete Kain blasts by me! I stretched / rested on the downhills (different approach from usual) because of limitation to small chain ring.  But it worked well for me. Final blazing descent
into T2 - quick change & sprinting out as the overall winner is finishing the race.



My foot is OK! Thank you, Lord! Feels difficult to run but I know it will be less hard after a mile. I'm thirsty. Miss the cup at the T2 exit. Grab 2 cups at 1 mile but throw them both away after only a sip because the trash can caught my eye and my reflex was to use it (my brain is not working). I eat Gu at 1 and 3 miles. I read all the FCA signs that Robin helped put along the run course. Sometimes I read them out loud in case others are too tired.  They are encouraging, knowing that Jesus can make us strong and steady if I seek Him first. 


Now I see the "red stripe" guy on the mile 4 hill! "God, if my heel fails before I crest the hill, I'm ok with that". After the crest I can go as hard as I want. Muddy Waters cheers for me. I made it over the hill and now run harder and pass the "red stripe" guy. One  final hill.. I pretend it's the finish. Donna & Sandy are there cheering for me! I Fly down - no pain.  The foot-slapping descent is making some abrasion between my feet and shoes.  A spot on my bare feet is getting rubbed raw.  There's Robin & Anna! I sprint down the chute and finish in 4th place. It's a great finish, what a good feeling. I find Robin & Anna and we celebrate. Then I actually do .8mi cool down... thanks, Lord, for letting me run without pain.


Carl Abrams


Laurie Abrams


Paul Moore



Age Place

Age Group

Swim Time

Bike Time

Run Time

Total Time




24:43 1:13:24 39:54 2:20:27




21:31 1:23:06 44:05 2:31:55




22:39 1:22:41 48:16 2:37:51




27:59 1:23:53 58:02 2:55:50