Nike Women's 1/2 Marathon |
DATE: October 19, 2008 |
WHERE: San Francisco, Union Square PLACE & TIME: 40th Place - 1:47:31 |
DISTANCE: 13.1 miles |
TEAMMATES: Megan Bullock, Jan Heidt (Mom), Courtney Loveday |
The alarm goes off at 5:30am. I'm so blessed to have Troy and my folks here with me. My mom and I are doing this race for the second time together. I like this tradition and hope it continues. Troy gets Anna ready while I feed Miss Ariel. Race day morning is a bit more complicated now with two but with Troy's help it's manageable. We meet up with Mom and Dad and head to the start. It's just a few blocks down. I separate from the gang to do my warm up run. Anna runs part of it with me. I'm not much of a city girl, but I do like it early in the morning when it's quiet. I like that the race is the only activity in town at the moment...and that it's all about us girls (and a few boys, too). I run and look for a good spot to do strides. I'm not going terribly fast today but I still want to give my legs a wake-up call. I find an area outside a big hotel next to the start. I have the place to myself. After a few minutes striding, I look for where to run some more...duh, I can run on the course since the streets are closed off! It feels kind of funny running down the middle of the street. Only a few other girls are doing the same thing. Back at the race start I see that my starting "corral" is empty. I head out to look for Mom and the gang. There's 20,000 women! Always in these huge crowd situations I ask the Lord to help me find my family. Within a few minutes of searching, I see Troy and Ariel in the Baby Bjorn. He tells me that a baby is real girl magnet and that he's getting a lot of ahh's. As I follow him back to my mom through the throngs of women, I see what he means. Reunited with Mom, Dad and Anna, we give hugs and take pictures. Now it's time to get to my spot. Now there is a jam to the entrance of my "corral". After a few minutes the line is still going nowhere. I backtrack and see that volunteers are helping some girls under the barriers. I take that route and easily get to my area. A girl asks me if she knows me from the ICTN (International Christian Triathlon Network) camp a few years back. Yes! It's Meghan Bullock. She and her boyfriend Matt were at the camp with Troy and I...so cool. I soon see Troy and the girls and introduce Meghan to them. Troy suggests that we all pray together. It's so wonderful to be linked together through Christ. It's so comforting and calming to take a moment and thank God for this opportunity to race and glorify Him. This race is in honor of Women fighting cancer especially breast cancer. Troy and I reflect about our friend Susie* who is struggling with her battle with breast cancer which turned into brain cancer. She's an amazing artist, athlete and friend. We were so blessed to visit with her recently. I also think of others struggling or who have struggled like pro triathlete Jamie Whitmore (www.jamiewhitmore.com), my high school coach's young son Jacob (now in remission), our friend Carolyn and our old neighbor Laura. I also think of our other neighbor Bill who died just hours before we called to say goodbye and share Christ with him once more. I am humbled and really appreciate the gift of being here, able to race. Thank you God! I am reminded that life is short and that I need to love those around me and show them the love of Christ through my actions. Just before the start, my running idol, Joan Benoit Samuelson, wishes us alll well. She's racing, too, at 50 years old, and will still kick our butts...amazing! We see a mom with her baby in a backpack in front of us. Wow, that's amazing. One last hug and kiss to Troy and the girls, and the countdown is on. The first wave goes off. It's a special training group with a mixture abilities. It's my turn. Go! I smile and wave as I go. It's a bit crowed the first mile as we navigate through the first wave. I pass the mom with the backpack who is keeping up a fast walk. As we make our way down to Pier 39, the crowds thin out a bit. I'm running too fast to try to keep up with the front runners but I'm feeling good. I know I need to be careful and patient and run my own race. Mile 1 is 6:58. Oops! Way too fast! I pull back on the next mile. We're down to The Embarcadero. It's chilly and overcast but there is still great spectators. I pass a church choir singing and am reminded that the Lord is with me. A girl notices my Garmin and asks how hers compares in accuracy. We are just off each other by a bit. I find out that Jackie is doing her first half. I fill her in on the course and warn her about the two major climbs. She's from Albuquerque which is over 5000 feet. I tell her she'll be fine on those hills. Mile 2 is 7:55. A little too fast but I figure my average will be forced down by the hills anyway. I'm chatting with Jackie and miss the aid station because I wasn't in the right position in the crowd. I better not miss the next one! I see a Mom's In Motion runner ahead. I coached a group in 2006 and we all did this race together. I catch up to her and tell her great job. I'm starting to feel like my energy is running out. I really need some Gatorade to give me a boost. I consider eating a hammer gel but I'll need those for later. Mile 3 is 8:09. I see a guy up ahead shouting "woo-who, woo-who" and jumping up and down ecstatically for his girl. She runs up to him and gives him a hug and kiss. "That was cute", I tell her. What's going on? We are going uphill already? I don't remember this. I guess the course map changed! Ok, it's a quick hill as we turn on the next block. But, wait, we're going up again for another block! We head back down and there's the next aid station...yeah! I really need something! Now we're going back up again! Is this the big hill already? No, we go back down again and end up on Marina Blvd. Troy, Anna and I were here recently for the Escape from Alcatraz race. Troy did the relay while Anna and pregnant mommy cheered. I like this stretch. There are amazing houses along here! Mile 4 is 8:30 That makes sense with all the extra hills. The next few miles are a blur. I'm thinking about Mom and how she's doing. I'm wondering when I'll get to see Troy, Dad and the girls. Mile 5 is 7:34. That's the flats for ya! I re-connect with Jackie and we talk about the "major hill" coming...it's one mile long! We get psyched. Mile 6 is 7:50..that pace will definitely not last long! Up we go! Not a lot of spectators out here but the ones that are have a lot of enthusiasm. A group of volunteers are doing a cheer continuously. Each one says a word and the last guys jump in the air: "you look great, go"...wow, can they keep that up for 20,000 women?! Impressive! I'm feeling good and surprisingly push hard up the hill...the benefits of pushing a double stroller in hilly Auburn! I can see the top, yeah! Mile 7 is 8:47. I'll take that! It's a nice downhill on the other side and then it flattens out for a bit. Mile 8 is 7:34. I'm amazed I can still hit that pace and feel good, too. Thanks God! Another little climb through a cute neighborhood. I don't see the gang here like last time. I figure I'll see them later. As I'm running, I see an old running friend from college. "Hey, Blake!". That's cool! I haven't seen him in years. Mile 9 is 8:11. I'm running up the last major hill (good to know mentally). I still feel good. I remember some of my MIM ladies were cheering for me here last time...good memories! Ironically I see two MIM ladies running. I tell them great job. I'm over the hump and heading down. I pass a girl and tell her good job. "That's the last hill, right?", she asks. "Yes it is!" Mile 10 is 8:30. We are now descending along the coast. It's gorgeous! I'm amazed by God's creation! Surely I will see Troy at Mile 11 as I turn into Golden Gate park. It's a good spot because the finish line is close by. I make the turn and look around but don't see them. I hope to see them at the finish. Maybe something happened to Ariel or Anna. Maybe that is why they are not here. Okay, I'm getting carried away. Let's just get to the finish! Mile 11 is 7:38. Alright! The two MIM girls are up ahead along with another girl with an Obama shirt. I want to catch them before the finish. It is a slight climb but not significant. Mile 12 is 8:16. The last mile! Giving it all I got. It also means the chocolate aid station is coming! I catch the MIMers. I tell them they're running a great pace. "What is it?", they ask. "Around 7:35 pace. What's your time goal?". "1:45 we guess" "It's going to be close! Go for it girls!" I surge ahead just before the chocolate aid station and grab a chocolate. I'll save it(= I push hard to catch the other girl. She's running fast. I catch up and tell her good job. Mile 13 is 7:37. Push! I make the last turn and I can see the finish. I hear the announcer and friend, Eric Gilsenen, say my name and talk about my Ironman finishes. Wow, it's been just about a year since I did Hawaii. A lot has happened since then...like my second proudest moment of having Ariel (Anna was my first proudest moment). I sprint to my Tiffany's necklace(= As I cross the finish line I see Joan Benoit Samuelson waiting to shake my hand. How cool is this! I'm so out of breath but I manage a "thanks" and a smile. If only I could tell her what an inspiration she's been to me since I saw her run in person at the 1984 marathon. A guy in a tux hands me the blue Tiffany box...nice! I plan not to open it until mom finishes. Thanks God for this race!
I don't see the gang so I find a volunteer with a phone. I call Troy and find out they are struggling to find parking. We agree on a meeting spot. Yeah, everything is good(= Time to watch Mom finish.
Having Fun!
Go Mom!!
Tiffany's Necklaces!!
Go Meghan!
Go Courtney!
*Susie passed away just 30 minutes before our conversation about her. |