(Click on pictures to enlarge)
It’s great to be back in Davis. Last year, I ran
this pregnant so hope to better my time(= As I run around warming up and
getting my race packet, I run into our neighbor Pete Korn. Anna goes to
his wife’s preschool and loves it! Pete is a ultra runner but can easily
run fast at any distance!
I run into Teresa Clark and Beth Bourne at the
start. Teresa is cheering today. She always gives great support . I look
forward to seeing them at the finish.
I see Carrie Chavez at the starting line and
surprise her. She’s also doing the ½ Marathon along with Steve who is just
ahead of us on the line. We chat about upcoming races and I find out that
they are doing the California 70.3 (1.2mile Swim-56mile Bike-1/2 Marathon
Run) and Ironman Lake Placid (double the previous distances). She asks me
if I’m doing Ironman and I tell her not until Troy is healed. In fact, I
tell her that I’m phasing out triathlon all together over the next 3 years
to focus on God and His ability to heal Troy. It's a sacrifice but I know
that God is going to heal Troy. Triathlon is our ministry and it's more
important to do it together than it is for me to do it alone! I’m
confident that he will be healed and I will be able to do what we love
together. Carrie is so supportive and understands the situation.
set, go! It’s slow crossing the start line with the crowds. the 10Kers and
½ Marathoners are all together. I’m with Carrie and we are going at a fast
clip. I encourage her to go ahead since my pace is iffy. I’d like to run
sub-8min pace for the whole thing but I don’t want to bonk. My first mile
is 7:28…oops! I know I need to slow down but it’s tempting to hold this
pace. I settle back a bit. I’m cold with my tank and shorts. We are
running alongside the railroad tracks and the train cars are blocking the
sun. I purposely move over to the other side of the road to get
warmth…strangely no one else joins me…aren’t people cold?! I see Teresa
and give her a holler.
Mile 2 is 7:42 and the 10Kers split off now. I’m
feeling good and decide to hold this pace. Several girls are now passing
me. I let them go and wonder if I’ll ever see them again. One in
particular has great form and seems unstoppable…she’s wearing the CIM
relay shirt from this year. I am content with where I am…it’s just a
blessing to be able to run…something I need not take for granted.
Mile 3 is 7:47. Still feeling good and excited that
the miles to go are in single digits now!
Mile 4 is 7:46. A woman, Doreen, comes along side
and we start chatting about triathlon. She’s doing her first half ironman
this year at Vineman…a race I’ll also be at. She tells me that her watch
broke that morning so I give her my Timex watch. I have my handy GPS watch
(that I’m totally addicted to!) . time in a race is important to me and I
don’t want her to go without. We plan to meet up at the finish. We run for
a bit and then split up.
5 is 7:44. Great! That’s perfect! I plan to hold steady and see what kind
of energy the Lord will give me…mentally and physically! It’s really been
great to get away from hills and run flat. There is an overpass and some
dips and undulations but they don’t seem bad at all coming from Auburn...a
blessing in itself!
Mile 6 is 7:50. I’m starting to see some of those
girls from earlier. There are about 6 of them ahead. I ask the Lord to
help me to catch up by mile 10 and then see what I have left.
Mile 7 is 7:40. I see the CIM relay girl from
earlier. I cannot believe it! Just like Troy always says, you never know
what might happen so always keep going for it. I reflect on how this
attitude was once foreign to me. Without having Jesus in my life, I was a
stress case and was rarely happy with my results. Running was a job and
rarely fun unless I
was “doing good” and even then the results were never “good enough”. I run
now without anything hindering me and just enjoy what my body is able to
do…”good” or “bad”. Again, a race is never over and anything is
possible…with Jesus!
8 is 7:51. I continue to make ground on the 6 girls but the CIM girl is
still the same distance away. I just focus and one by one the girls come
Mile 9 is 7:28. There is just one girl between me
and the CIM gal in a skirt. My heart rate has jumped into the 170 range
and my body is feeling the fatigue. I continue to push and keep my eyes
Mile 10 is 7:25. We are zigzagging along the bike
paths of Davis and it seems like we are running farther away from the
finish line. The skirt girl is just right in front of me.
Mile 11 is 7:38. Oh the body is struggling but still
holding on! I move past the skirt girl and tell her good job. The CIM girl
is closer so I surge to catch her.
Mile 12 is 7:20. God is
I cannot believe the energy He’s giving me! I’m moving past the CIM girl
and we both encourage each other. I don’t look back and keep pushing. This
last mile seems endless. I see the finish but
have to do another zigzag unto another street. As I’m heading down, I see
Troy and the girls. He tells me I’m earlier than expected…yeah, that’s all
point and look to heaven and Troy knows. He tells me to go for another
girl right ahead of me. I dig as deep as possible and go for it. She’s
just a little out of reach and beats me to the finish. She’s in my age
group and the old me would
have beat myself up. The new me is totally happy and content…6th place!
I’m reunited with Beth, Teresa and later Carrie. Another blessing I enjoy.
I see the CIM girl and congratulate her. She’s
disappointed in her race which is preparing her for an upcoming marathon.
I understand that mindset. She mentions that it might be a slight PR and I
tell her to focus on that…always look for the good…boy, that is sometimes
a hard one!
Beth, Carrie, Steve and Pete had great days! They
all medaled! Way to go guys! It was nice catching up with Teresa who is
moving back east…she promises to be back and I hope she does soon! I also
got to see Beth’s hubby Ben and cute kiddies, Elisa and Nathan. Her son is
about 1 so we are not too far apart.
Now it’s time for breakfast at Café Bernardo! And
then Anna gets to do the kids race! She’s so excited!
Go Beth!

Go Carrie!

Go Steve!

Go Pete!

Teresa and Me

Team Chavez

Team Soares