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Lake Of the Pines Triathlon

DATE:  September 5, 2009

WHERE:  Auburn, CA

DISTANCE: .6mS - 15.2mB (3 laps) - 3.8mR

PLACE & TIME:  Robin 1st - 1:38:19

(18:40- 1:15-49:01-1:18-28:04)


TEAMMATES:   Todd & Elizabeth Allington, Steve Caminiti, Julie Granat, Kazik & Tony Lewandowski


(Click on Pictures to make larger)


This is going to be my first LOP Tri.  I'm excited to have the opportunity and to be able to relate to Troy's past experiences.  I'm really excited to race with our church worship pastor, Steve Caminiti.  This is his first triathlon and he's been training over the last few weeks with some input from Troy.  I'm also racing with my neighbor and RAM teammate (Rocklin Aquatic Masters) Tony and his son Kazik.  They'll be racing together side by side...very cool.  It's also great to have Todd and Elizabeth Allington racing.  Troy will get to hang out with their great kids Hannah and Garrett.


After making all the preparations, Team Soares gathers on the shore for a prayer.  This race is for Him and to glorify Him!  I jump in the water and swim to the start.  I find my RAM teammates and we pose for a picture.  Then it's time for the ladies wave to start. 


Ready, set, go!  I find myself in a tight group and I try to swim over to my right while trying not to run over anyone.  I do make contact with a few and hope that I don't mess up their rhythm.  I'm feeling good but not my strongest these days in the water.  As I round the first buoy, I see a guy hanging onto it.  I ask him if he's alright and he says yes...but not confidently so I linger for a moment and look around for a kayak.  I don't see anyone to help but another swimmer does stops to talk with him.  I reluctantly continue on and pray for him to be able to finish the whole race. 


I can see a pack of girls in my group that are pretty far out there.  I push harder and try to close the gap.  Once I round the final buoy, the girls are even farther ahead.  I give a good effort and remind myself that I can try to make up ground on the bike.  I exit the water and see Troy and the girls cheering.  I also hear the Caminiti family cheering.  Troy tells me that Steve is a few minutes ahead. 


I haven't biked much of this course so the first loop will be a learning experience.  I do pretty good at not braking too much on the downhill turns.  I find a good rhythm as I learn the twists, turns, and climbs.  I see Steve on the way and he cheers me on and I tell him good job.  There are only a few girls out here.  I'm able to pass them.  I wonder what my position is but don't dwell on it much.  Soon, Todd Allington goes flying by.  "Go Todd".  Wow, look at him go!  The bike is his specialty and no one can compete with him today!


As I get to the tough hill Troy told me about, I make sure I'm in the right gear.  Sure enough, just as he said, some have been caught off guard in the wrong gear and now are walking.  As I get to the top, I see Francie Campbell monitoring the course.  I wave to her and she gives me a big smile and cheer.  It's a nice downhill and a quick up to the completion of the first lap. 


I see Troy and the girls and I wave and smile.  I averaged 17.2 mph on that one.  I anticipate being faster now that I know the route. 


There are more people on the course now after finishing the swim.  About 3/4 around the 2nd loop, I see a girl with a Victory Velo top, our favorite bike shop.  I focus on catching her.  After the big hill, I catch her on the downhill.  When my competitive juices are going, I'm less scared to fly around sharp corners.


I picked up my pace again and raised my average.  As I see my team again, I'm at 17.8 mph.  I tell the family "one more".  I say that more to confirm the loops.  I'm afraid that I'll forget.


I try to get in my aerobars more on this loop and I'm able to pick it up a tad more. I make it around one more time and get my average up to 18.1...yeah!   I'm even able to pass a guy that passed me in the beginning.  Thanks God for the safe and great ride!


I transition pretty fast and climb out of the transition area.  I give Anna a high 5 on the start of the run.  I tell her and Troy that I love them.  I thank God for my wonderful family!


As I get down the first hill and I'm on a flat section, I can feel some fatigue.  I also feel like I need a porta-potty.  I try not to think too hard about either problem.  I look ahead and push on.  I come up on a guy with a Multisport Ministries jersey on and I feel encouraged and reminded this is all for Christ.  I tell him good job and he encourages me back. 


I pass by Dave Campbell's street and hit Mile 1.  It's 7:24.  I was hoping to be sub-7's today but I'll take it.  I'm happy that I can go this pace realizing my training has been less lately.


Mile 2 goes better and I'm able to do a 7:14.  I don't know what lies ahead so I wonder if I can hit that pace again. 


I take half a Hammer Gel at the next aid station in hopes that it will help my poor legs. I hit a pretty good hill and just try to keep the legs moving.  I pass Elizabeth Allington and we encourage each other. 


Mile 3 is 7:35.  I'm so close now!  Only .8 left!


I cross the dam road and see a big hill!  Oh boy!  I look straight into the hill and push up.  At the top is an energetic group cheering folks on.  They are so uplifting that it takes some of the pain away...just a little pain.  Once at the top, I have a nice downhill.  I see Tony up the road with Kazik just in front of him.  I think that I'll catch up to Kazik and we can race to the finish.  I pass Tony and tell him good job.  I make a push to Kazik but he's already turning it on.  We fly downhill to the finish.  I try my hardest to catch up but Kazik gets me!  Way to go Kazik!  I catch him outside the finish line and congratulate him. 


I find my precious family and give them all big hugs and thank them for cheering for me!  Thanks Lord for a challenging and great day!


Go Team Lewandowski!


Go Elizabeth!


Go Steve!


Play, Anna, Play!



Overall/Age Place


Swim Time

Bike Time

Run Time

Total Time



Long Course Wetsuit







Long Course







Long Course







Long Course







Medium Course







Medium Course





Elizabeth Allington


Medium Course



