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Big Kahuna (Half Ironman Duathlon)

DATE:  October 25, 2009

WHERE:  Santa Cruz, CA

DISTANCE:  ≈0.3miR - 54miB - 13.1miR


Robin 3rd -  4:34:55



TEAMMATES:  Dale & Tana Jackson, Faron Reed, Kiet Tran

(Click on Pictures to make larger)


We left the Ridder's in San Jose at 5:30 for the trip over the hill to Santa Cruz.  We left late and Troy has already made 2 wrong turns putting us farther behind.  I am upset that we weren't on the road sooner.  Troy reminds me that it's not fun with a bad attitude.  I feel convicted because I'm acting like this race is the most important thing and it's not.  I apologize to God, and Troy.  I'm anxious, but I leave it in God's hands.  These wrong turns are just a test of my attitude.


We're at the transition area with enough time to set up.  My bike's racked and I'm heading off for a run and potty break down by the beach.  I run into Dale and Tana Jackson.  Dale just finished the Hawaii Ironman two weeks ago!  Today he's doing the Aqua-Bike...which is the same race minus the run.


It's really dark out!  I figure it will be fine once the swim starts.  I'm not looking forward to swimming in 58 degree water around the pier with sea lions, which look like sharks when they swim underneath you.


Back at the transition I put the finishing touches on my spot.  I grab my wetsuit and head down to the start with Troy and the girls.  6:50am.  It's still really dark and only 10 min to the swim!  This year the race was moved from summer to fall.. possibly why it's darker.  Race announcer says we're waiting 10 more minutes until it lights up.  It's so nice haning out on the beach with the Jacksons, catching up and joking around.  Dale keeps Anna laughing and on her toes.  It's lighting up but the fog is rolling in.  7:30am and now we cannot even see the pier.  We predict the swim will be cancelled because this is not safe!  Imagine keeping track of 1000 swimmers in a dark, foggy ocean.


7:45am.  The swim has been cancelled.  We'll be starting the race at the swim exit.  We'll run 1/2 mile up the beach and down the street to our bikes at T1.  Should I run barefoot?  Troy and I debate if I should go to T1 and get my shoes.  I finally decide to get my shoes and some other gear.  I run back but it's too late.. T1 is now closed.  So that settles it, barefoot it is!  At least we don't have to carry our wetsuits... Tana & I leave them with Troy.


Tana and I line up together in the 30-39 wave.  Ready, set, go!  I take off.  I'm in front surprisingly.  I lead the pack all the way to T1.  It's cool but I know that it will be short-lived.  I put on my gear and arm warmers.  It will be cold on Pacific Coast Hwy (PCH)!  I run out with my bike and see Tana ahead of me.  Wow, she did a super fast transition and even put on a long sleeve jersey!




I jump on my bike and go.  It's different starting out without the swim.  All of us 30-somethings are heading out together.  Where would I have been with the swim?  I don't want to push the bike too much in hopes of having a better run this time around...but I also want to compete with these girls.  I follow Tana and some other girls onto the PCH.  We head North.  I'm hesitant to pass Tana.  She's a legend...very sweet and very fast!  I see some girls ahead of her that I want to keep in sight so I pass Tana to chase them.  She encourages me and I encourage her, too.  I tell her, "I'll see you soon!"  I know I will!


For the next 20 miles it's a game of leap frog.  I'm purposely pushing the flats and downhills and trying to conserve on the uphills.  Tana and many others pass me going up and I catch them going down.  I'm trading places with about 5 girls.  Every time we pass each other, there always is a word of encouragement or "see you soon" comment.  Soon another rider passes that I haven't seen and she says "go FCA!"  That's cool!


I'm feeling good, but I forgot to bring Hammer gel.  I'm going to need some extra fuel.  I realized at Magic Mtn Man, with the ride taking longer with all those hills, that I didn't get enough fuel.  I'm totally focused on getting some Heed sports drink early on.  At the first aid station I grab a bottle.  Then I realize that was a little premature.  Now I have to lug an extra bottle around...doh! 


I come up on the infamous railroad tracks which are at a ridiculous angle.  Many have crashed on these diagonal hazards.  It's best to cross perpendicularly but to do so I have to turn sharply towards the southbound lane.  I make the sharp turn, without looking back.  "look out!" I hear.  A guy speeds by just as I cross the tracks.  I swerve back to the right and say "sorry".  He just went for it and hit the tracks head on...I don't know how he was able to do that.  Next time, I'll be sure to look back.


At the last aid station before the turnaround, I plan on grabbing a water.  I empty my current bottle into my aerobottle (on my handlebars) and am poised to grab a new bottle.  Suddenly a girl passes on my right (which is not allowed).  I feel panic.  What if I cannot get a water.. like at Vineman?!  I say "I need water" to the girl.  I pick up the pace and get ahead of her and am able to grab one.  Perhaps I was riding far enough away from the aid station that the girl thought I was passing it up.  Oh, well, I'll ride closer next time, and also won't panic!  God is in control so even if I miss water it will still work out.  Funny how my selfish instinct reacts!


At the turnaround, 2 girls are ahead of me.  One is definitely in my age group.  It's really nice out here!  The sun is shining, the scenery is breathtaking, and the air is crisp!  A huge motor home brings me back to reality quick.  It cruises by right next to me and I'm buffeted by the turbulence.  The driver clearly doesn't care to move over at all.  I see the driver continue to the next bunch of riders ahead of me.  I'm powerless to do anything but watch him do the same thing to others.  Drivers like that make me so mad!  I ask for God to protect others from his careless maneuvering.  Later, Dale and others complained of the same driver missing them by inches.


I play leap frog with the rider who recognized my FCA jersey.  She asks if I remembered her visiting the FCA booth at SF Tri.  Yes, I do remember.  She reminds me her name is Helen Kim (also the maiden name of our good friend, Helen Barker).  Soon Helen takes off.  I do all that I can to keep her in my sight.  The other girl ahead of me is nowhere to be seen and soon I pretty much forget about her.


At the railroad tracks I make a point to look back.  I hold my breath, take the sharp angle and make it across with no issues!  Thanks God!  You rock!  Only 10 more miles!  My legs are hanging in there.  I think I'll have juice left for the run.  I've been in my aerobars more than most other races.  The severe bumps at Magic Mtn Man make all other bumps seem minor now and I'm more confident to ride downhill in the aerobars.  It's a nice change from my old scaredy-cat self!


Another girl passes me like she's in a whole other dimension.  She's got compression socks on so I have no idea what age group she is.  I hope to see her on the run!


We turn off the PCH to the streets of Santa Cruz.  I see Troy and the girls waiting for me...yeah!  That's a good spot because I'll see them on the run, too!  It's a right and then a quick left.  A little scary but I make it with no problems. 


I'm heading home to T2!  I push hard and I can see Helen just ahead of me.  I prepare myself for a quick transition and the long run ahead.  I'm right with Helen at the dismount.  Another girl I was battling, in a "Bear Naked" jersey, is right behind me.  She's not in my age group but I can tell she's a good runner to focus on.  We all run in.  I do my best to get my gear on quick.  Helen and the Bear Naked girl get out first.  Now I need to chase them down.



What will happen today?  This is my last half marathon in a triathlon for a long while!  I'm phasing out triathlon over the next two and half years.  Next year it will be Olympic distances at most and the following year just sprints.  After that I'll return to triathlon only if Troy is healed of his foot pain and can return to racing full throttle!  I made that decision on my own because I miss competing with him. It's not the same without him and not as much fun.  I love triathlons but I love Troy more and I want to see him back on his game!  I believe the Lord will heal him and I'll be back.  So I definitely want to give it my all today!


My legs feel great.  I quickly find a good rhythm.  Almost too fast.  I have to continually remind myself to pull back!  I catch up to Helen and tell her "good job".  I pass by and she says the same.  I look ahead to the Bear Naked girl and reel her in.


Mile 1 is 7:25.  Wow, a little too fast!  I don't think I can keep this up but my legs feel so good!  I pass the Bear Naked girl.  The scenery is breath taking here!  I'm running on a bike path on the Santa Cruz coast and it's just beautiful!


Mile 2 is 7:26.  Can I possibly keep this up?  When will Tana pass me?  I know she's coming!  I see the girl with the compression socks ahead.  I catch her and wonder where the other girl is.  I wonder if I'm leading my age group now?  The bike path ends and we hit the roads of Santa Cruz again.


Mile 3 is 7:32.  Still feeling good!  I'm going to see Troy and the girls soon!  I cannot wait.  We turn towards PCH and I feel a slight increase in the grade.  I slow down a bit but hope it's temporary.  My energy levels are good, unlike how I felt at Magic Mtn Man.  There's still a question mark on my legs...  Can they keep this up?


Mile 4 is 7:44.  There's my family!  I see Troy holding Ariel.  I wave to them. There's Anna...I give her a high five.  As I run along, two girls pass me.  One is 30 and the other is 45!  The 45 yr old is screaming fast!  It's amazing!  I'm just in awe!  My legs are starting to feel tired now!  We are climbing slightly but in Auburn this is nothing!  I'm giving thumbs up to oncoming runners and encouraging them.  I like to do this as a reminder it's not all about me!  We go down a steep hill.  Oh, that's going to be fun on the way back.


Mile 5 is 7:49.  I take an Espresso Hammer Gel.  A little early in hopes of getting that caffeine rush!  I fasted from caffeine for two weeks again in hopes of getting an extra boost!  We are heading out to the coast on a great trail!  I love it out here!  It's just beautiful!  Too bad my legs weren't feeling better!


Mile 6 is 7:59.  I'm really starting to feel the hurt physically and mentally.  I see a lot of girls heading back fast and I wonder if I can really compete with any of them.  Lord, I know you're in control.  Please don't let me give up!  Please keep me going no matter what happens.  I make it to the turn around.  A big Tiki guy is waiting there for me...nice touch!  As I head back I see Tana!  As we pass each other, I smile and tell her that I'll see her soon...I know I will.


Mile 7 is 7:53.  Better pace, but the hurt continues.  Soon Tana goes flying by and I tell her good job.  I'm struggling now to encourage the oncoming traffic.  I resort to giving thumbs up only to those I can make eye contact with.  Soon the Bear Naked girl is passing me, too.  Oh dear!  This is getting ugly.  Please God help my spirits!  I take another Espresso gel and hope that more caffeine will work.  So far it hasn't!


Mile 8 is 8:24.  Ouch, ouch, ouch!  I was hoping my last race would be much prettier...and it still can be...just keep moving!!  I see Faron running strong.  I tell him good job.  It looks like he's having a better race this time around.  I hit the steep hill.  Though the legs feel like toast, I just keep putting one leg in front of the other.  I'm going to see Troy and the girls soon.  I was hoping I'd be feeling stronger.


Mile 9 is 8:29.  I see Anna and give her another high five.  Troy tells me that Tana is just ahead..."I think she's leading our race".  I know the chances are slim of catching Tana but I can never say never!  I have a bit of a downhill now and am able to get the legs going. 


Mile 10 is 7:57.  3 more miles!  Ugh.  Lord help me.


Mile 11 is 8:18.  I wonder if other girls are catching me.  I don't dare look back!  I see Tana running off in the distance.  Go Tana!


Mile 12 is 8:26.  I can see the Boardwalk and the beach.  I just have to survive a little longer.  Thanks God for getting me here!  Is Tana in first? Am I in 2nd?  Is someone going to chase me down?  The suspense is a great distraction!  I run down to the beach and make the long 1/2 mile trek on the sand to the finish.


Mile 13 is 8:23.  I actually feel pretty good and can even get moving on the wet sand! Almost there!  Almost time to break out the chocolate and full caffeine coffee.  The fast might not have helped much again.  That doesn't matter now... I just can't wait to have all those things again!


The course turns back up on the thick sand.  I push and finally cross the finish line!  Yes, thank you God!  It's done!!  Woo-whoo!




Go Tana!!



Go Dale!!


Go Faron!!


Hanging Out...

On the Beach


At the Boardwalk



Age Place

Age Group

Swim  ≈0.3mi Run Time

Bike Time

Run Time

Total Time


4 M0-99 --- 2:32:36   2:32:36
KIET TRAN 38/146 M35-39 1:49 2:24:52 1:35:09 4:03:30
FARON REED 1/17 M55-59 1:51 2:28:14 1:45:23 4:16:54


2:00 2:45:08 1:42:04 4:32:03




1:51 2:43:05 1:46:57 4:34:55