I did a 10K, "Race for Knowledge", in Santa Cruz on Monday. I was coming off a pretty tough weekend of training and didn't think I had much to give at this race. But I prepared the best I could; power bar, Cytomax, 10min warm-up, some strides, racing shoes, and a goal of 37:12 (6 minute pace). Everyone's always surprised to hear I haven't run a 37:12 yet so I really wanted it. The course was along East Cliff Dr. (same course as Sentinel and most other 10K races in Santa Cruz). Past times this year: 1/30, 38:15, East Cliff course; 3/19, 37:30, Mercury News.
1st mile was fast, 2nd on pace, 3rd was slow (6:28), 4th was a little off pace, 5th was faster, 6th was really fast... In the sprint I heard a friend yell "you're gonna do it!" I finished with 36:53! Finally, I'm in the 36's!