Bagels in hand, we made for the buses. After a month of rain, today would be dry. Dick and
I ride the bus like we did 2 years ago at the 100th running of Boston. "Clear
skies" he says peering into the dark.6am
1500 runners are congregating at the start of the 20th Napa Valley Marathon. It is chilly,
clear, and calm. Also here from Team Roadkill is David Krevor. Todd Brown from KE will try
shaving 20min from his 1st marathon. Marilyn Dolye is shooting for a sub-4 in her first
attempt. Brothers, Brett & Chris Bryars will try finishing together.
We're off, towards 26.2 miles of vineyards, jutting hills, and classy wineries that line
the Silverado Trail. Dick shoots ahead a little faster than 7:15. I'm also under my 7:45
goal pace. It feels so great, the conditions are perfect, and the gradual descent of the
course entices you. With my I.T. band problems, my only long run this year was a 16 miler
last week at 8min pace. I know today will be a learning experience... that God will use to
better me.
Team Roadkill star, Scott Bang, is cheering us on in full force. Someone yells,
"There's sun around the corner", as dawn gives way to a beautiful sunny day.
David, in his first marathon in 10yrs, has caught me and continues on in search of a
little blue house.
My left I.T. band started inflaming at 12. I've exchanged 7:30 pace for 8:30. This usually
means I only have a couple miles left. I take 2 Ibu's, focus on good form, and try to
determine if God wants me to "shut 'er down". More Team Roadkill mates, Laura
and Michelle appear on bikes, taking pictures and rapping about how good the leaders look.
Having the escort really helps. David and I continue passing each other and finally settle
into a steady pace. Good news about Dick and Marilyn come from our support crew, Don &
Harley, Meaghan & Alvaro, Chris & Kevin, and the ever-present Scott Bang! Hot air
balloons have taken to the skies above us.
Laura helped me over the last hill at 20 before her & Michelle headed back for
Marilyn. I've lost David. Last seen, he was very optimistic. He set a precedent, of
running on the dirt shoulder, which many of us followed. I'm cruising well now. I see
Dirk, fellow Levy runner, breeze by at 21. I'd like to catch him but can't. Another
Roadkill veteran, Phil, shows up on his Triumph. hearing, "Your legs look great...
too bad about the face", I'm assured it's him behind the leathers. Oops, I told the
people around me that our 7:52 pace would get us a sub-3:20. Already at 3:18, with 2 miles
to go, I realize I was way wrong. I increase my effort, heartrate hits 164, but the pace
remains the same. I try again... with the same result.
The Finish!
Seeing friends, hearing the cheers, and realizing that, somehow, I held together until the
finish... is a wonderful, comforting feeling. I hear that Dick may have PR'ed by 1 second.
I get some results: