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Romancing the Island

DATE:  March 29, 1998 WHERE:  Angel Island, San Francisco
PLACE:  ?th of ?, 5th of ? overall TEAMMATES:  Laura, Brigid, John Dougery
   On a beautiful Sunday morning, 4 of us, Laura Schuster, John Dougery, Brigid Kranz, and myself, boarded the ferry for the half hour cruise to Angel Island in the S.F. Bay. The island rises high above the bay and white gulls soar through its lush canyons and hillsides. The bi-annual race, Romancing the Island, climbs to the top and circles the island, providing spectacular views of the GG Bridge, SF Skyline, Bay Bridge, and Oakland. The 25K is 2 loops of the 12K.

  Although I hadn't run on my injured calf for 5 days it still twinged getting ready for the race. Amazingly, it didn't bother me during the race! Finishing the 12K loop, I felt good because I'd been careful on the calf. I saw John going out on the 2nd loop in 5th place. I finished the 12K in 5th place for that race and turned around to continue after John thinking I could also get a 6th in the 25K or, better yet, catch John! My calf wasn't hurting, so I hammered back up the hill but noticed John was no where in sight. Then my IT band started hurting. Then this guy blows by like I'm standing still, moving me to 7th place. Now I can't run. I'm on the very back of the island stretching my inflamed IT band. I see a road that goes straight up the mountain so I go up and sure enough it connects at the 8K point of the loop. I get there right as the 1st & 2nd guys go by. I jokingly think, "Cool, now I'm in 3rd!". I wanted to keep stretching and then run with John. the 3rd place guy went by looking good. I realized I was in no shape to run fast and better focus on getting home. At 23K, the 4th guy passes me. At 24K, on the descent, John passed me. I wondered if he was surprised to see me in front of him. He was gaining on 4th so I tried hustling to see him make his move on the switchbacks below. He ended up getting 5th and, funny thing, I'm back in 6th place again where I started before I cut 3K off the course! But, of course, I pulled out before the finish line and a surprised Laura had only 1 thing to say when she heard of my shortcut... "Get back out there and do another lap!!" No credit for creativity I guess.

Brigid finished 2nd in the 25K.