Team Soares 08/02/2012

About Us Ministry Training & Racing Anna Rose

Welcome to the Team Soares Headquarters!

bulletClick "About Us" to learn more about what we do and what are goals our
bulletClick our "Ministry" to learn what are main goals are and the things we feel God has chosen us to be involved in.

And check out "Training & Racing" to see our race schedule and stories.  All made even more exciting by the extra perseverance we have experienced through Christ.     LATEST STORY

                                                                                                                                Welcome Ariel LeeAnn!

Born August 9, 2008




Feel free to E-mail Robin and Troy at...


In loving memory of..

Betty Franson, April 7, 2006 (Troy's grandma and friend, lived to 99 yrs old)

Anthony Moore, Feb 23, 2006 (swim teammate, died in the ocean)

Allyn Hodges, December 7, 2005 (friend and HS coach taken by cancer)

Scott Passarello, June 7, 2004 (Christian athlete taken by Lou Gehrig's disease)

Alan Liu, April 11, 2004 (friend and swim coach killed by a drunk driver)


• About Us • Ministry • Training & Racing • Anna Rose •