
What is Troyracing?
Troyracing is an account of the events, insights, people, and personal highlights that make up my racing and training experiences throughout the year. Basically it's the refrigerator door where I stick pictures and stories to be checked out.

Triathlons and endurance events are like adventures where a lot of understanding about yourself, others, and God's creation is gained. It's where you see people at their best. It bursts with personal victories and is built on encouragement to others.

For me it is, most importantly, a reminder of the role God plays in my life, the struggles he has guided me through, and the good life he has blessed me with. It also demands of my character; to live by my words, race by my faith, and glorify God in victory or defeat.

I hope to motivate others to conquer their own fears by either training towards a triathlon goal or, even more challenging, standing up for your beliefs when you feel the pressure to succumb.

Sometimes finishing seems like the ultimate relief and fulfillment. But the real gratification should come from the way we play the game. The ups and downs of the race course are where our strong points shine and our weaknesses haunt us. Like in life, we are not focused on ending it but on cresting each trialing hill as fast and honorably as we can. The higher the hill, the more glorious the summit. By climbing with Jesus at our side, the hill is never too high. The satisfaction at the top is awesome, and it gets better throughout the race.

Troyracing is an invitation. It invites me and hopefully others to allow God to shine in our lives so we feel the true happiness atop every hill and the gratification that the climbs are not futile but meaningful and rewarding.

My BackgroundLittle Troy
I'm a graduate of Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, and work at Kaiser Electronics in San Jose, Ca. I ran cross country in High School and played many sports, but I never confronted triathlon until 1991. Until then I had watched it on TV as a far-out, "extreme" sport. But at the Wildflower Triathlons, while I took part in a relay, I saw that these were "real" athletes with great abilities and attitudes.

I trained all summer, became a triathlete, and have raced over 90 triathlons since. My stories will also cover marathons, duathlons, relays, long swims, any other racing events that I find myself in.

I'm 31 and enjoying a new challenging 30-34 age category. I'm blessed to be going back to Hawaii in 2000.  My "Mission" is to show that through God we can overcome the obstacles life throws at us.  I hope that I and others will apply this in our careers, our marriages, our families, and our day-to-day struggles.  If it's something that pleases God, it CAN be achieved.  We must not quit.. but PERSEVERE

Baptism in Kona
In 1998, before my 2nd Ironman, I was baptized for a 2nd time in the waters of Kona.  My first time was as a baby so this time would be a real commitment and public display of my willingness to Die to Sin, and Live in Christ.  Pastor Izzy of Calvary Chapel in Kona walked me through the whole purpose and  seriousness of baptism and stressed the importance of complete belief in the living Christ, our relationship with Him, and His power to forgive.

It was a powerful experience and a new beginning for me!

Terry & Betsy Davis made the place and time possible for me, opening their hearts and home to share with me this experience.  And Gaylan, a photographer from Breaking Away (a Focus on the Family Christian magazine for boys), was there to take pictures for a story on Christian athletes.
My baptism was the highlight of my entire '98 Ironman trip. 

I owe a lot to my sponsors and supporting friends:
bulletMy Mom for her nutritional expertise. She knew what the sport-food companies are now realizing; that fat is a necessary part of the diet.
bulletMy Dad for the very enjoyable rounds of golf that gave me a necessary escape from the one-track training focus. I suppose the humbling effect of golf is beneficial, too; bragging is short-lived on the golf course.
bulletJanet for her continuous encouragement and belief in me. Janet made a Good Luck origami crane for every race I did. Even after moving to a different company, the cranes continued to mysteriously show up!
bulletMy sister, Tracy, for cheering me on during races or over the phone if she couldn't be there.
bulletMy company, Kaiser Electronics, for their sponsorship and support.
bulletMy friends at The Runner's High in Los Altos for their sponsorship.
bulletMy friend and racing nemesis, Clint, pushing me to new heights and dragging me through endless bike journeys
bulletMy friend, and nonstop running machine, Dick, for the countless hours spent running the Guadalupe Levy, sometimes talking, sometimes running too hard to talk.
bulletMy good friends, making up the "Triple-T Training Team", Todd and Trudi, who were always up for ANYTHING, and the challenge to see how many workouts we could squeeze into one day.
bulletMy training/adventure buddy, Pat, for his crazy ideas and unwillingness to give up
bulletMy "Wildflower Five" training friends, Clint, JD, Shawn, Doug for the many intense and hilarious Ironman training workouts.
bulletMy friend, Nadine Betti, who has tailored some snazzy singlets for me.
bulletMy old roommate, Eric, who showed up unexpectantly on the Pacific Grove race course and gave me extra encouragement to successfully catch the leader.
bulletMy old roommate, Don, for the cycling tips and rides together
bulletTo all my friends near and far who constantly encouraged me, inquired about my progress, and kept telling me "you can do it"

You can be sure that, while I'm swimming, biking, and running, I often take time to think about each of you because you mean so much! I hope I can return some of the great support that you have given me.

In the Secret...

In the secret, in the quiet place
In the stillness, You are there
In the secret, in the quiet hour, I wait only for You
Cause I want to know You more

I want to know You, I want to hear your voice
I want to know You more
I want to touch You, I want to see your face
I want to know You more

I am reaching for the highest goal
That I might receive the prize
Pressing onward, pushing every hindrance aside, out of my way
Cause I want to know You more